toss /t?s/ v. 扔,掷,抛;摇荡
butt /b?t/ n. 烟头;屁股;笑柄 v. 以头撞或顶;干扰
◆ cigarette butt 香烟头
需要(买)一张新地毯 need a new carpet
A:This carpet is pretty old now. We really need a new one to replace it.
B:I don't think it's necessary. The carpet is worn, but still serviceable.
worn /w??n/ adj. 磨损的,用旧的;疲倦的
serviceable /?s??v?s?bl/ adj. 可用的,耐用的
10 窗帘
curtains /?k?:tnz/
单数部落 一组窗帘 a pair of curtains/drapes
复数部落 两组窗帘 two pairs of curtains/drapes