The differences between countries can be seen from the dramas filmed, and the differences are very obvious. American TV shows always come first, with lines and plot that are difficult to surpass, In recent years, the clarity of Japanese dramas has been the ... (
人生易如反掌噢 到底是海那边 你们真的好闲啊 那样的说教うん…それ以上はやめた方がいいと思うwww 飯田和孝真是个垃圾制作人只会玩弄话题度 做出来的剧宛如草包哎你们这些明星别被他花言巧语骗了啊 个或许要讨论正邪 你豚好像是四大民放最没资格的 看隔壁出事后就故意在某些节目暗讽真令人厌恶 不照镜子看看贵台自己是个什么玩意儿 3時にあいましょう那时就该倒闭了呐 到底 是在追求真正的“正义”还是站队追求认...