“You cheated me to sell her into the jail, but guess what? Franch will release her right away if they still want petroleum. What you really wanted was Rattle’s daughter.(所以你他妈的骗我!你骗我去亲近Laila,你骗我去出卖她—让她住进牢房去!可惜你这个如意算盘打砸了,因为Laila根本就不会坐牢—法国总统必须给她特赦,否则他妈的再也别想从阿拉伯半岛得到哪怕那么一加仑石油!你要的是响尾蛇的女儿,因为你知道他爱他的女儿!)” 赵小柱怒吼道。
“GIGN would have aborted the mission if Laila had a gun.(如果Laila手里有枪,GIGN也许根本就不会发动进攻!)”赵小柱揪住了苗处的衣领子,“Because they can’t take the risk of Laila suiciding and their government be held responsible. Laila could have taken the mother and daughter to Kuwait,you were losing the whole thing. So you lied to me, you made me to get her gun!(因为他们没把握Laila会不会自杀,如果Laila自杀了,这笔黑账会被记在法国政府甚至是欧盟脑袋上,他们吃不了兜着走!母女俩会被Laila安全护送到科威特,然后保护起来!而你得不到她们当中的任何一个!所以你骗我!你骗我去跟她亲热,去骗过她的枪!)”