[10] 参见Karl L?with,From Hegel to Nietszche.The Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Thought,trans.David E.Green(New York,1964),p.333。更新的研究,参见Harold Mah,The End of Philosophy,The Origin of “Ideology.”Karl Marx and the Crisis of the Young Hegelians(Berkeley,1987)。其他的研究,参见André Liebich,Between Ideology and Utopia.The Politics and Philosophy of August Cieszkowski(Boston,1979),p.20;William Brazill,The Young Hegelians(New Haven,1970),p.8。
[11] Avineri in “Diskussion zu Feuerbach und die Theologie”,Atheismus in der Diskussion.Kontroversen um Ludwig Feuerbach,ed.Hermann Lübbe and Hans-Martin Sass(Grünewald,1975),p.67.