'"And now," said the king, fantastically poking the taper corner of his sugar-loaf hat into the sexton's eye,and thereby occasioning him the most exquisite pain;"and now, show the man of misery and gloom, a few of the pictures from our own great storehouse!"
'As the goblin said this, a thick cloud which obscured the remoter end of the cavern rolled gradually away,and disclosed, apparently at a great distance, a small and scantily furnished, but neat and clean apartment.A crowd of little children were gathered round a bright fire, clinging to their mother's gown, and gambolling around her chair. The mother occasionally rose, and drew aside the window-curtain, as if to look for some expected object; a frugal meal was ready spread upon the table; and an elbow chair was placed near the fire.A knock was heard at the door; the mother opened it, and the children crowded round her, and clapped their hands for joy, as their father entered. He was wet and weary, and shook the snow from his garments,as the children crowded round him, and seizing his cloak, hat, stick, and gloves, with busy zeal, ran with them from the room. Then, as he sat down to his meal before the fire, the children climbed about his knee, and the mother sat by his side, and all seemed happiness and comfort.